Friday, March 11, 2011

DAY 40, Post 3

If it hasn't already been written, somebody needs to write a handyman guide for the single woman.  And they need to make sure to include a chapter on how to check if the furnace is working, and if not, how to fix it.  Last night it was colder than normal in my apartment, and even though the thermostat was set to 75 (Yea, I know, very high), it showed the interior temperature at 60.

Panic set in.

With finances being as tight as they are, sometimes bills get paid a little late.  And this month the gas bill was late.  But it WAS paid.  I re-read the bill several times, and a pit formed in my stomach when I read what the reconnect fee would be.  $60.  I won't deny, I don't have $60.  And I don't get paid again until next Friday.

I put on extra layers, double-checked that the boys had enough blankets, and went to sleep.  There's nothing you can do at 2am besides go to sleep.  This morning when I woke up, out of habit, I ran the hot water.  And amazingly enough, it WAS hot!  A sigh of relief partially passed through me, however I called the gas company to make sure my service wasn't disconnected.  And it wasn't!  Thank goodness for small miracles!

So now, after a call to the apartment complex's super, my apartment is warming back up.  It took him about 10 minutes, and I heard that comforting click of the furnace kicking on.  Warm air blew out of the vents, and I became reassured, at least for one more day, that everything is going to be okay.

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