Wednesday, February 9, 2011

DAY TEN, Post 2

Once again, my friends and family are amazing.  And I'm sorry I can't listen to everything you say.  But I hear what you're telling me, and I love that you are there to listen to me when I need to vent.

I found myself in bed at 11:30 this morning, trying to sleep so I could get over my depression.  It didn't work.  But a couple of great people felt the vibe and started texting me.  Now I'm up, tackling the mess of this apartment, and actually looking forward to going to work this evening.  I work straight through Sunday, but at least I'll have some money at the end of next week!

I won't deny...  I've been contemplating going into the local grocery stores and taking down the Valentine's Day displays with one of their motorized shopping carts.  "Oops!  I lost control!"  But I know that wouldn't look good in the eyes of the judge at the divorce or final custody hearings.  So...

Julie, my neighbor, had a wonderful idea.  I'm going to take Thing 1 and Thing 2 out on a date.  Or maybe we'll have a date in.  Order a pizza, get a new movie, play board games, and enjoy each other's company and nothing else for the whole night.  Suddenly that f-ing holiday (no pun intended) doesn't look so bad...

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