Tuesday, February 15, 2011

DAY 15, Part 2

I'm a little bit late, but I want to keep up my daily blogging...

My manager scheduled me for 4pm - close today and I thought I would get some sleep this morning but I still woke up at 7:30 wide awake. Grrrr... I was up for an hour and then went back to sleep for a bit, but I had a bad dream about CL-WoW...

In the dream I was trying to meet him for coffee (a current/constant dilemma anyway) and he told me his job was in chaos (one week on, one week off) and was moving back to ND. I don't have a clue where I was in my dream but I tried to get to him as fast as I could and couldn't find my way out of the town I was in to save my life. I woke up crying and completely frustrated.

Again, I'm so grateful for the awesome co-workers I have and my friends and family for bringing a smile to my face. I managed to get through this day without driving a motorized cart through the V-Day displays, and made over $5 in tips in the process. Yay me!

This picture, by the way, is what happens to my hands in my current job. Nice, huh?

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