Monday, April 11, 2011

DAY 71, Post 2

I can't entirely explain it, but I am feeling lighter today.  I'm feeling like I'm finally headed in the right direction, job-wise, love-life-wise (or lack thereof), personal-life wise.  And it feels great.

It could be because I received a call about a potential job opportunity today.

It could be because things are looking better at my current job, even though I know it's not where I want to be long-term.

It could be because the boys came back home tonight after spending five nights with their dad.

It could be because I sent a final email last night, despite the fact that I said my communications were over.  It was not a mean email, but was full of truth and let him know that I'm...  Stopping.  Stopping doesn't mean that I'm going to stop caring about him.  Stopping doesn't mean that I'm going to stop loving him.  But stopping means I'm going to stop trying.  I'm going to stop worrying about him.  And I'm going to stop communicating with him (at least until he contacts me).  And having not received any recent communication from him, I don't expect a response...  Perhaps ever...  But it was a heartfelt email, and I hope it is read.

It could be because I had a great hug yesterday.

But...  I feel like I'm moving forward.

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