Tuesday, January 24, 2012

DAY 358

This was yesterday's post, written in my Day Planner...

As I got ready for work this morning, I realized that in the past year I have learned how to live.  By live I don't mean perform the actions necessary in life.  I mean perform them and appreciate them, and remember the ones that matter don't stress about the ones that don't.

Thing 1 is a top-knotch diddle-dwadler in the morning.  It doesn't matter what time he wakes up and how little he has to do, he can still be the last one out the door in the morning.  Despite how late I may be running, however, I always have time for a hug and a kiss when dropping the boys off at school.  Do I use my "flex time" on days I have the boys?  You bet I do!  But those extra minutes for hugs and kisses are well worth it!

Don't forget how to live.  Fill your life with memories of meaningful moments, regardless of how late you're running every morning.

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